Touching Dialogue Therapy Group
Therapy group with a focus on making decisions about physical touch.

Are you ready for an experience and a challenge in showing others what you want and need – here & now? Through physical touch and movement with others – or choosing to be by yourself in the group?
Each participant has the opportunity to explore their own intention/therapeutic contract for the evening, making choices about movement and touch, while respecting the boundaries of others. As a participant, you will develop your self-confidence and courage to express “YES” and “NO” to others – and in this way create an extended safety zone for yourself. It is easier to try new things when one’s inner bodily readiness to express “YES” and “NO” is immediate, safe and well established.
This therapy group welcomes people who want to develop their potential for personal growth in connection with touch and body therapy. Previous participants report that making touch/sensation based decisions in the safety of the group makes it easier to talk about affectionate touch in romantic relations. Participants also report that their daily life decision process becomes more comfortable when connected to their body sensation/signals.
The group is led by David Kirk-Campbell, Founder of Touching Dialogue and Christian Ringsmose, Touching Dialogue therapist.
We focus on creating a safe and supportive group where the participants can connect to their own body sensations, feelings and decisions. The group supports experiences of how easy – or difficult – it is for the individual participant to express bodily and verbal “Yes!” and “No!” signals.
The group begins with a personal round, where participants can express their energy level, challenges and intention/therapeutic contract for the evening. There will sometimes be small introductory awareness exercises/meditations. After this, most of the evening will be spent making decisions about movement and touch in a group context. To round off the evening, there will be an integration round, with the opportunity to relate your experiences to your original intention/therapeutic contract for the evening – and also to ask clarifying questions to the other participants to enhance awareness of what has happened in the evening’s process.
The process in the group supports changes in unconscious beliefs carried from childhood: from caution to courage, from doubt to self esteem, from fear to spontaneous expression.
Depending on the needs of participants the language will be a combination of Danish and English.
Maximum number of participants per meeting is 10 people.
If you are interested in participating in this group, contact us – or sign up for the waiting list without any obligations here:
Waiting list for Touching Dialogue Therapy Group.
If you have questions for David or Christian, they can be contacted by phone, text or email:
David: Phone: 26 13 57 59, email: click here or see picture below:

Christian: Phone: 20 84 95 76, email: click here or see picture below:

David is the founder of Touching Dialogue, which is a body-centered psychotherapy. David is a trained psychotherapist (gestalt) and advanced rolfer and is former co-owner and teacher of Gestaltterapeutisk Institut ApS in Copenhagen. You can read more about David and the background of Touching Dialogue (in English) here.
Christian is a trained psychotherapist (gestalt) and Touching Dialogue therapist. You can read more about Christian here on the website under “Om mig“.